About us


Last projects


Supervision of construction and reconstruction after a natural disaster

Supervision of construction of a flood barrier

Implementation of experimental fields

Supervision of construction of overpass Brezje pri Grosupljem

Last projects

Construction designing

Construction designing of storage areas

Dimensioning of pavement structures

Implementation design for the sidewalk

Last projects

Professional assignments

Preparation of a study of Transport Infrastructure in the Danube region – road links

Preparation of a study of Transport Infrastructure in the Danube region – rail links

Preparation of a program for the introduction of new approaches in the field of testing and installation of asphalt mixtures on highways and expressways

Analysis of the feasibility of using uniform driving surfaces on all road lanes

Last projects

Management of professional associations

Slovenian Asphalt Pavement Association

Association of Consulting Engineering

Academy of Construction Investment

FIDIC practice school

Last projects

International projects

Europeean commission

AD Sremput Ruma

J. Rettenmeier & Söhne

CCI France International

Last projects

Innovations (independent and within associations)

Development and implementation of the Golden Investment Rule in Slovenian investment practice

Strategic Council for Investments and Construction

Academy of Construction Investment

The use of the cement concrete in slow traffic lanes on highways

PTP Addendum – Solving screw passages with grooving

FIDIC practice school

Colloquium Asphalt, Bitumen and Pavements